Wednesday, October 14, 2009

lawz n billz of Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action- The process of a business or government agency in which it gives special rights of hiring or advancement to ethnic minorities to make up for past discrimination to that minority. In the main debate it suggests that it reverse discriminates against Caucasian's, I think so to cause I can't get a job anywhere that hires Mexican's. The fourteenth amendment guarantees equal protection under that law; the fifteenth amendment forbids racial discrimination in access to voting. 1866, Civil Rights Act, guarantees every citizen the same right to make and enforce contracts as is enjoyed by white citizens. JFK's 1961 executive order 10925, requires federal contractors to " take affirmative to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." It was later used the same in Lyndon Johnson's 1965 executive order 11246. It's now 2009 and people still discriminate and reverse discriminate based on race, color, and national origin.

Bias- 3 Reliability- 5

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